About Us

Hi There!

We're a mother and daughter duo selling vegan bake-at-home dessert kits by post. We love to bake delicious dairy-free goodies and want to share that passion with others, sharing the joy of baking something that you can be proud of and that you can enjoy eating afterwards! We aim to make baking as fun, quick and easy as possible.

We personally started our plant-based journey in January 2019 and have never looked back since! After being introduced to all the delicious vegan delights that the world has to offer, who would even need to?

We noticed that there was something missing from the market - baking kits that do all the work for you, and don't require you to buy any additional ingredients. It was hard to find something like this that was also dairy-free. Vegans need some love too!

We’ve spent a lot of time testing out and refining recipes so you don’t have to. For those of you who want delicious home-baked goods but find baking too difficult or time-consuming, don’t worry! We have a solution for you, and that solution goes by the name of “Plant-Based Puds.” With our unique and simple dessert kits, we provide not only the dry ingredients, but the liquid too, and disposable baking equipment (in case you don't have any at the ready, and also so you don’t need to wash up afterwards! Well… just the mixing bowl!).

All of our products are 100% dairy-free! Whether you are a dedicated vegan, suffer from a milk or egg allergy, someone who is interested in exploring the wonderful world of plant-based treats or just someone who loves desserts - you’ve come to the right place! We can assure you that you’ll find something here that is guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth!

  • Within our constantly-expanding range, there's definitely something for everyone! From brownies, to muffins and loaf cakes!
  • We provide all the ingredients and baking equipment you could possibly need, as well as an easy-to-follow recipe card, so all you need to do is add water, mix and bake!
  • We want to protect our planet, so all of our packaging is recyclable and/or reusable.

Thank you for taking the time to read a little more about us and our story - we hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy browsing all that we have to offer. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media accounts and join the family! We’d love to have you.